Des histoires connues, rejouées par des poneys
Les films de Jacob, ce sont des animations maison de bonne qualité, très divertissantes parce qu'elles reprennent des éléments culturels connus (jeux, films) pour en faire des parodies amusantes, des sortes de cross-over entre deux univers.
On trouve pas mal de "versus" du genre Aslan vs Legolas, mais aujourd'hui j'aimerais vous faire découvrir ses vidéos de crossover MLP:FiM, contenant évidemment un maximum de jeux de mots. Pour les non-anglophones, si on perd au niveau de la compréhension de l'audio, ça reste visuellement très agréable à regarder. L'avantage c'est qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de texte, et c'est amusant de voir nos ponettes préférées dans le rôle d'autres personnages qu'on connaît bien. Quoique, le crossover avec Yugi-Oh, j'avoue que je ne reconnais pas les persos, ne connaissant pas vraiment le dessin-animé.
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The Prancing Pony, l'auberge dans LOTR par ChimiCherryChonga |
Dans la suite vous trouverez sa meilleure vidéo accompagnée d'une transcription pour mieux la comprendre et l'apprécier. Il manque un ou deux vraiment incompréhensibles. C'est la plus longue vidéo de jjkmovies, elle fait 11 minutes : Le Seigneur des Anneaux, rejoué par des poneys. Juste après ça vous pourrez découvrir l'intégralité des films/jeux rejoués par des poneys, du genre Matrix ou Harry Potter, ou encore Call of Duty, dans des vidéos plus condensées voir très courtes.
N'oubliez pas de surveiller sa chaîne, au cas où il sorte une nouveauté MLP :
J'en profite pour vous mettre une belle image de crossover LOTR/MLP:FiM. Vous l'avez bien mérité.
Arwenshy est très jolie en plus.
Storyteller :
Equestria has changed.
I feel it in the water.
I smell it in the air.
I taste it in the trefle.
Much that once was, is lost,
For nopony now live who remember it.
And of all the worst things, that could happen,
Rarity :
Oh, and the dark Lord Sauron forged the magical horseshoe that's threatening all of pony kind.
Arwen :
Applegorn. I know that I'm a unicorn, and you're an earth pony, but... I want to be your super special somepony. And I'm willing to give up my unicorn magic to do so.
Vinylrond :
You have all been summoned here to answer the threat of Maredor.
Rainbowmir :
I think we'd give the horseshoe to Gondor, it'll make us 20% cooler.
Applegorn :
It ain't gonna increase your swag. The horseshoe answers to Sauron alone.
Vinylrond :
Then it is decided. The horseshoe must be destroyed.
Gim Mac :
Then, what in the hay are we waitin' for ?!
Vinylrond :
The only way to destroy the horseshoe is by going deep into Maredor, and casting it into the fire of Mount Friendship from once it came. One of you... must do this.
Rainbowmir :
Nopony simply trots into Maredor.
Dodo Baggins :
Rainbowmir, you have wings, just fly there.
Rainbowmir :
It's not that simple, Dodo Baggins.
Twiligolas :
Wait a minute, if Sauron is a neighsayer, then let's just convert him with the magic of friendship !
Rainbowmir :
One does not simply convert a neighsayer !
Their heart is guarded by more than just hatred, there is evil within their soul that does not sleep; and their judgmental eyes ever washful;their heart is a barrin wasteland, whirled of fire, and ash and dust, the very air they breath pessimistic. Not with ten thousand mares could you love and tolerate that. It is folly.
Vinylrond :
Rainbowmir is right, we have no other choice, the horseshoe must be destroyed.
Dodo Baggins :
I will take the horseshoe into Maredor.
Applegorn :
I swear by Celestiadalf's beard, if I can protect you, I will. You have my sword.
Twiligolas :
And you have my bow.
Gim Mac :
Dodo Baggins :
Celestiadalf, I heard something.
Celestiadalf :
That's Pinkamena. She was once called Pinkie, before the horseshoe found her, before it drove her mad.
Dodo Baggins :
It's a pity Bobo didn't ... on her when he had a chance.
Celestiadalf :
Pity ? Many ponies that have friendship deserve haters, and some that have haters deserve friendship. Can you give it to them Dodo ? Do not be too eager to deal out hatred and judgment. Perhaps Pinkie has some part to play in all this.
Dodo Baggins :
I wish the horseshoe had never come to me. I wish none of this had happen.
Celestiadalf :
So does everypony who lives to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the friendship that is given to us.
Storyteller :
The fellowship is breaking.
Rainbowmir :
Ah ! Rainbowmir doesn't simply die from one little arrow.
Dodo Baggins :
I know what I must do, it's just that... I'm afraid to do it.
Raridriel :
Even the smallest filly can change the course of the future.
Vinylrond :
Arwen what had happened to you horn ?!
Arwen :
I gave it up, to be with Applegorn.
Vinylrond :
You did what ??!!! How could you ?!!
Arwen :We're in love ! I would do anything for my super special somepony.
Vinylrond :
Your unicorn horn was what made you special.
Arwen :
But father I...
Vinylrond :
You have no idea what you've done. The very thing that made you special is now lost forever. Even if Sauron is defeated, and Applegorn made king, and everything you hope for comes true, you will still have to suffer a boring and mundane life, as a magicless earth pony.
Arwen :
But there is magic in my future. The magic of friendship.
Pinkamena :
I told you they was tricksy. I told you they was false.
Smiggle Pie :
NO. Masters are friend. Master likes us.
Pinkamena :
Nasty little filly stole our precious.
Smiggle Pie :
Hhhhh ! this call for extreme mesures. Smiggle Pie Style.
Applegorn :
It cannot be. You fell.
Celestiadalf :
Through hatred and pessimism. On the lowest dungeon to the highest peek. I fought the darkest neighsayer in all of Equestria. Until it last, I threw down the hater and ... its intolerance upon the mountain side.
Applegorn :
We could really use your help, Celestiadalf. Dodo and Sam are on their own, and Sauron's forces are making their way to Elm's Deep. And to make things worse, this ain't no ordinary army. It was made for a single purpose : to destroy the world of mares. We need your help, or pony kind is doomed !
Celestiadalf :
Then I shall aid you. At dawn, look to the east.
Fluttertree :
Many of these trees were my friends. This makes me so frustrated I could just scream.
Dodo Baggins :
I can't do this Sam.
Sam Bloom :
I know... It's all wrong.
It's like in the great stories Mr. Dodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of neighsayers and intelorance they were. And sometimes, nopony want to know the end because... how could the end be happy ? How could Equestria go back to the way it was, when so much hatred had happened. But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this pessimism. A new day will come, and when the friendship shines, it will shine out the clear. Those were the stories that stayed with you, the ones that meant something, even if you were too small of a filly to understand what. But I think Mr Dodo, I do understand, I know now. Folks in those stories had lot of chances of turning back, only, they didn't... they kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Dodo Baggins :
What are we holding on to, Sam ?
Sam Bloom :
That there is some friendship in this world, and it's worth fighting for.
Applegorn :
Mares of Equestria ! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come, when the kindest of mares fails, and we'll forsake her friends and break all bonds of loyalty, but it ain't this day ! And all of haters and broken hearts, when the age of mares comes crashing down, but it ain't this day !
This day we love and tolerate, by all that y'all hold dear on Equestria, I bet you..., mares of the West !
Sam Bloom :
Do you remember Ponyville, Mr Dodo ? It'll be spring soon, and Sweet Apple Acres will be in blossom, and the parasprites will be nested in the hazel ticky, and they'll be headin throwing the summer festival in townsquare, and eatin the frost of Granny Sap apple jam. Do you remember the taste of apples ?
Dodo Baggins :
No, Sam. I can't recall the taste of food, nor the sound of laughter, nor the magic of friendship. I'm naked in the dark with nothing, no veil, between me, and the wheel of hatred. I can see him, with my waking eyes.
Sam Bloom :
Then let us be with it, once and for all. Come on Mr Dodo, I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you ! Come on !
Gim Mac :
I never thought I'd died fighting side by side with a unicorn.
Twiligolas :
What about side by side with a friend ?
Gim Mac :
Eeeyup. I can do that.
Sam Bloom :
What are you waiting for ?
Destroy the horseshoe ! Throw it in the fire !
Dodo Baggins :
No ! The horseshoe is mine !
Pinkamena :
No silly, it's mine !
Celestiadalf :
Hurry ! You must make haste great eagle, the little fillies need our aid.