Un buffet de bronies
Des bronies ont décidé de retrouver un maximum de nourriture mentionnée ou vue dans MLP, et de les cuisiner pour faire un véritable buffet équestrien. En petit bonus les cupcakes ont été aromatisé aux Mane 6... Non pas de marshmallow pour le cupcake Rarity !
Voir l'image en grand |
Lisez la suite pour découvrir la liste des aliments et leur référence dans le show.
Cupcakes Rarity
Une élégante combinaison de gâteau à la myrtille et de glaçage à la vanille.
Cupcakes Applejack
Un bon vieux gâteau à la pomme avec un glaçage au fromage blanc comme à la maison.
Cupcakes Pinkie Pie
Un doux gâteau à la vanille avec un glaçage moelleux à la grenade.
Cupcakes Fluttershy
Un gâteau délicatement parfumé au citron avec un harmonieux glaçage à la rose.
Cupcakes Rainbow Dash
Un gâteau aux pépites de chocolat blanc avec un glaçage à la menthe pour le rendre 20% plus frais.
Cupcakes Twilight Sparkle
Un amalgame ingénieux d'épices exotiques et de Citrus Sinensis (oranger).
CORN FRITTERS (Beignets de Maïs)
Pinkie Pie: Yesterday I told Mrs Cake that I ate two corn cakes, but I really ate three! Okay six! I ate six corn cakes! [cries] Make it stop! Oh, make it stop!
LEMON VANILLA DROPS Now without chili !
(Bouchées citron vanille, sans chili cette fois !)
- Pinkie Pie: Please help yourself.
- Gilda: Vanilla lemon drops. Don't mind if I do. HOT!
- Rainbow Dash: G, the punch.
RAZZLEBERRY PIE (gâteau aux fruits des bois)
Gâteau à la mûre et à la framboise.Pinkie Pie: Mm, razzleberry. I'm- not- letting- go! I'm- re-spon-si-ble!
GRANNY SMITH'S APPLE PIES (gâteaux à la pomme de Granny Smith)
- Twilight Sparkle: [spit] [nervous laughter] Okay, well, I can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way.
- Apple Bloom: Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?
Twilight Sparkle: Ugh... I ate too much pie...
Gâteaux fourrés à la cerise.
- Pinkie Pie: Have you ever had a cherry changa? Ooh! Sorry, that was a question.
- Applejack: That kind of question is fine, Pinkie. No, I-I never had a cherry changa.
- Pinkie Pie: Well no wonder, because I made it up myself! A cherry changa is mashed up cherries in a tortilla that's deep fried. Cherrychanga. Great name, huh? Oh, but maybe I should call it a Chimicherry. Ooh, that's good too. Which do you think sounds better? Cherrychanga or Chimicherry? Or what if I combine them? Chimicherrychanga! What sounds the funniest? I like funny words! One of my favorite funny words is 'kumquat'! I didn't make that one up. I would work in a kumquat orchard just so I could say 'kumquat' all day! Kumquat, kumquat, kumquat! And 'pickle barrel'! Isn't that just the funnest thing to say? Pickle barrel pickle barrel pickle barrel. Say it with me! Pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, Chimicherrychanga!
- Applejack: No! Make it stop, make it stop!
Pinkie Pie: With decorations like streamers and fairy-lights and pinwheels and piñatas and pin-cushions. With goodies like sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sun-beams and sasparilla. And I get to play my favorite-est of favorite fantabulous games like Pin the Tail on the Pony!
FLIM FLAM BROTHER'S CIDER (Cidre des frères Flim Flam)
SPIKE'S DRAGON GEMS (Gemmes de Dragon de Spike)
Macarons à la noix de coco.
Twilight Sparkle: [as Sandvich] Hey, Twilight, just thought you should know I'm making a really big decision that changes everything. Oh, nevermind, you'll hear about it when you get the invitation. [normal] Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? Who in the hoof is that?! [snort]
Dans The Ticket Master :
Dans Putting Your Hoof Down :
Mascarpone Meringue Marzipan Mudcake MadnessFolie de Fondant chocolat à la Pâte d'amandes, Meringue et Mascarpone.
Pinkie Pie: Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. You've really outdone yourselves, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. This is sure to be the winning entry of this year's national dessert competition!
Baies confites (et baies normales).
Visitez : http://cookingismagic.tumblr.com/Les muffins de la mort de Pinkie Pie : http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/baked-bads-recipe-step-by-step-images.html
Jona Aps · il y a 641 semaines
moi,pega-sister · il y a 575 semaines